Garden Club
Harrington Park
Harrington Park, New Jersey
The Garden Club of Harrington Park welcomes you to our website. Please browse around the site - we've got lots of good information including our monthly newsletter, what to do monthly in your garden, and pictures of the barrels the Garden Club plants each year under the "Downtown Beautification" button.
Just to tell you a little bit about us; the Garden Club of Harrington Park holds General Meetings the first Thursday of every month (except when otherwise noted) September through June in the Harrington Park Library (second floor). The meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. and include a lecture by a guest speaker on various gardening topics. Each meeting we have a floral contest, whereby members interpret a given theme (see below). We have a Field Trip at the end of our Club year, along with a luncheon. Our meetings are open to everyone who loves a garden and gardening. Please check out our activities and events for the Club year by clicking on the "2024-2025 Calendar" button. This is a tri-fold calendar listing our activities. Please print it and keep it handy!
To learn more about the Club, please click on the "About Us" where you will find information on membership and what we do as a Garden Club. Mostly, we have a lot of fun as a group of folks who share a common interest -- the love of gardening!

Garden Club of Harrington Park Founded in May 1990
35th ANNIVERSARY IN 2025 !!!
Garden Club Affiliations
Garden Club of America
Garden Club of New Jersey
Looking for a beautiful garden to visit in the Garden State? Click
Would you like to help with refreshments, and you've never done it before, we are here to help you with all the details of what to do and bring. If you’ve been around awhile, you know the drill. Either way it is a fun way to help make our meetings very special. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Gerri Gibney at 201 768-2615 or email at
Please send dues to Beverly Murray, 363 High Street, Closter, New Jersey 07624. Questions, contact Bev at 201 768-5651. The form to send your dues is in the link box at the top of this page.
All general meetings are held at the Harrington Park Library
10 Herring Street, Harrington Park, NJ 07640
7:30 P.M. in the Upstairs Meeting Room
Visit Willowwood Arboretum on the web - a great garden, and a wonderful newsletter! Just click below.
"The love of gardening is a seed
that once sown never dies."
Gertrude Jekyll
Garden Club
Harrington Park
If you missed our plant sale this year, here are pictures from Esther Ross of some of her purchases - aren't they spectacular!
If you would like to share some of your successes, please send them along!
Christine Kozar
Master Gardener
Christine Kozar is a retired
middle-school teacher. Her
main focus is on starting or
expanding gardens. She is
also available to work with
young people who want to
explore gardening, the
environment, and/or
February 6, 2025 - 7:30 P.M.
Speaker: Christine Kozar, Master Gardener
Topic: "Getting Ready for Spring"
Are you eager for spring to arrive? Here are the chores you should be doing now before you step into your garden. This slide show covers winter through spring chores and includes ideas to make the most of your yard, streamline your gardening habits, and keep you busy until you can actually be outside.