Garden Club
Harrington Park
Harrington Park, New Jersey

The Garden Club of Harrington Park welcomes you to our website.  Please browse around the site - we've got lots of good information including our monthly newsletter, what to do monthly in your garden, and pictures of the barrels the Garden Club plants each year under the "Downtown Beautification" button.  

Just to tell you a little bit about us; the Garden Club of Harrington Park holds General Meetings the first Thursday of every month (except when otherwise noted) September through June in the Harrington Park Library (second floor).  The meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. and include a lecture by a guest speaker on various gardening topics.  Each meeting we have a floral contest, whereby members interpret a given theme (see below).  We have a Field Trip at the end of our Club year, along with a luncheon.  Our meetings are open to everyone who loves a garden and gardening.  Please check out our activities and events for the Club year by clicking on the "2023-2024 Calendar" button.  This is a tri-fold calendar listing our activities.  Please print it and keep it handy! 

To learn more about the Club, please click on the "About Us" where you will find information on membership and what we do as a Garden Club.  Mostly, we have a lot of fun as a group of folks who share a common interest -- the love of gardening!


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Garden Club of Harrington Park Founded in May 1990
34th ANNIVERSARY IN 2024 !!!

Garden Club Affiliations

Garden Club of America
​Garden Club of New Jersey

Looking for a beautiful garden to visit in the Garden State?  Click for more information on 19 gardens to explore!

See you in September!
Thursday, September 5th
Watch for New Schedule Coming in Late Summer


All general meetings are held at the Harrington Park Library
10 Herring Street, Harrington Park, NJ 07640

7:30 P.M. in the Upstairs Meeting Room

Would you like to help with refreshments, our Refreshment Chair, Dale Muto, is here to help you with all the details of what to
do and bring. If you’ve been around awhile, you know the drill. Either way it is a fun way to help make our meetings very special. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dale at 201 693-6149.

Please send dues to Beverly Murray, 363 High Street, Closter, New Jersey 07624. Questions, contact Bev at 201 768-5651. The form to send your dues is in the link box at the top of this page.

Saga of the Garden Club of Harrington Park Garden Club Plant Sale

It all started the Thursday before the big day on Saturday when four intrepid garden clubbers met at Bev Murray’s home for the drive to Saddle River to pick out and pick up the annual flowers we would be selling several days later. Ginny Fjermestad, Ann Ingrid Millikan, Bev Murray, and the writer saddled up our SUV’s, and were off to meet with John May, owner of Overlook Farm in Saddle River. John greeted us with a big smile and a warm hello, and thereafter, we did our best to pick out the annuals we hoped would be big sellers. Happy with our purchases, we drove back to Bev’s home in Closter and decided on pricing for these good looking annuals. Some of our members had already deposited their very own “home growns” on Bev’s porch and we did our best to price these as well. Brigitha Tray had dropped off fabulous houseplants, and some perennials, and Esther Ross dug up perennials all labeled with information on each plant, always the superstar teacher. We had a few treasures, and we priced them to sell! Some members, including Ellen King, had dropped off folding tables, to make our job easier to display the plant life along with hellebores from her garden, and we were grateful for their donations! After a few hours, we left, hoping for good weather on Saturday.

Friday it rained, but Saturday, it would be an understatement to say the day bloomed bright and beautiful, near perfect weather for the sale. We rendezvoused at 9:00 A.M., and when the writer pulled up, busy beavers were already at work; Hedy Galow, having brought some home growns from her outstanding garden, Bev Murray, who had graciously let us use her home for the sale and even donated plants from her beautiful garden, and both had already placed the home growns on the tables.

As the time grew nearer for our opening at 10:00 A.M. more garden clubbers arrived and everything moved along at a brisk pace, even allowing for good fun and fellowship to be shared; Carla Brajkovic with a donation of plants, Dale Muto, Esther Ross, Ellen King, Ginny Fjermestad, Ann Ingrid Millikan, and Irene Jackson who made a donation to our effort along with being our cashier for the sale.

We met some great folks, and maybe some new members to add to our roster of garden clubbers. A great success and a great day, what could be better?

Now to the bottom line; we paid $422 for the annuals. Of course, the home growns and the garden treasures were all donated. And, almost forgot, we had a table of garden related jewelry which was a big hit, a little bling always is good! Our total income was $1166, which means we made a net of $744.00.

Congratulations all you wonderful garden clubbers for making it another great fundraiser! And, a great big thanks for all your hard work!

If for any reason, you were not able to help out or to come to the sale, we understand! However, you missed a great day to be with other gardeners, to meet new gardeners, and all in all having the feeling of a job well done. The Garden Club is very special because of its people, where would we be without them?

Until we meet again, keep your feet dry and your hands dirty…   Gerri Gibney

Saturday, June 8th - Garden Club Pot Luck Picnic

At the pot luck picnic, Carla will supply the main course and the beverages. The rest is up to you, please bring an appetizer, a side, or a dessert. This is strictly pot luck, which means we don’t need to know what you are bringing. We would appreciate, however, that if you bring something hot, it does not need to be re-heated. Also, throw a folding chair in the trunk, we want to be sure everyone can sit down for our delicious lunch. Please let Carla know if you are coming, her phone number is 201-394-7187.  

The last floral contest of the Club year is the famous “Dead or Alive Poinsettia.” If you have a poinsettia that has made it to June, bring it along to enter into the contest at the pot luck picnic. There will be a prize.

We go rain or shine, so pray for the shine part!

Visit Willowwood Arboretum on the web - a great garden, and a wonderful newsletter!  Just click below.

"The love of gardening is a seed
that once sown never dies."
Gertrude Jekyll
Willowwood Arboretum
Garden Club
Harrington Park